What are moms thinking?
I had a terrible stomach bug this week. You know the feeling, stomach cramping up, can't eat, can't move. And the worst part is you then can't play with your kids. You don't have the energy. Even when they're begging :(
I'm better now, thanks for asking.
It's hard to find the positives of getting sick, but one of them is that you can appreciate feeling better. Those times I couldn't play with my kids because I was cramping up? The silver lining is to be able to parent as I want. Not always with as much energy as I'd like, but certainly a lot more.
That leads me to this week's article. We start with a Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius, who wrote himself a little self-help guide. If it helped him, maybe you and I can learn a thing or two as well? Read more
What are moms thinking?
Lina Forrestal is a toddler mom, works full-time, and hosts the popular New Mamma's Podcast. The ideas and suggestions she gives for dads on this one are tremendous.
Highlights include:
What are new moms desperate to hear from new dads?
What new moms wish dads could do better?
How to get back in synch with your partner after becoming a parent?
And finally: What frustrates new moms about new dads?
Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Stitcher, or on your favorite podcast platform.
You can find a transcription of the podcast here.